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Menu Options
Written by Sowmya
Updated over a week ago

We already know that Start is the Home Page. Let's look at what other options mean.


When you click on Explorations, you will see the recent topics you've explored:

  • When you click on the heart, you add that exploration as your favorite and it gets added under Favorite Explorations.

  • Note that you can navigate the list of your explorations using the arrows below.

  • You may Open explorations or Delete anytime. Make sure you don't need an exploration before you hit Delete.

If you're wondering what an exploration is, check this out.

You also two types of explorations:

One - The explorations you have in the browser you are currently on:

Two - The explorations you have done in other browsers:

This includes your own explorations or other people's explorations. You have the option to download an exploration to your current browser or archive it.


This is a map of your learning territory.

You can find out the number of

  1. Responses you added in all your explorations and

  2. Notes your created in all your explorations.

You can hover over any square to learn the total number for any given week.

The learning map also gives you a breakdown of the topics you've mastered.

More colorful the stars, the higher your mastery in the topic.


The gallery of explorations has three distinctive parts.

One - Be a part of Teach the World project by creating lessons and guides of topics you have already mastered.

Two - Four categories of explorations which helps learners to sift through the sea of explorations

Three - An option to search for specific explorations.


In addition to what you see in the page, contact us if you have specific learning needs for your classroom.

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