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What is an exploration?
What is an exploration?
Written by Sowmya
Updated over a week ago

When you enter a topic in the Home Page and Start Learning,

SocratiQ will start generating:

What will generate in this process is what we call an exploration. While you wait, SocratiQ will present an Introduction of the topic:

You have two view options. The default one which you see above and the centered option which looks like this:

The arrows below the introduction help you navigate the pages within the introduction. When the exploration has generated, it will look like this:

The exploration can be accessed in three modes:

  1. Organic (default)

  2. Outline and

  3. Topical

Organic mode is displayed in a canvas which can be zoomed in or out. Zoom in and out using your mouse wheel. If you have a touch screen you will be able to pinch and navigate.

The topical mode is also displayed in a canvas. Here the display, as the name suggests is based on the topics within the exploration:

Outline mode is not displayed in a canvas. It can be accessed linearly and hence has arrows to help navigate.

In summary, a basic exploration will have

  1. Three questions generated for the topic you entered and

  2. An introduction for the said topic

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