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I assigned an exploration to my students. Now I want to create a quiz. How do I do it?
I assigned an exploration to my students. Now I want to create a quiz. How do I do it?
Written by Sowmya
Updated over a week ago

First a little overview of explorations. There are two kinds of explorations:

  1. Learning Exploration

  2. Teaching Exploration or Teacher Workspace

When you assign the Teaching Exploration to students, what they get is a learning version.

In Learning explorations you

  1. Cannot Add Quiz

  2. Cannot Generate Lesson Plan

  3. Will see three modes: Outline, Organic and Topical (Teaching explorations will have only two: Outline and Topical)

(Note: Generate Lesson Plan and Generate Lesson are not to be confused. Only teachers can Generate Lesson Plan. Both teachers and learners can Generate Lesson)

Quiz can be created only in Teacher Workspaces. So how to find your Teacher workspace?

Go to Explorations -> If you don’t find it in Recent, click All.

Note that your workspace will have “Teacher” tag in it.

Inside the exploration all topics will have the Add Quiz option.

Enter a Title.

Enter quiz objectives.

Quiz objectives is a crucial step. Details you enter will help AI in designing a quiz that is best suited for your needs.

Here are some questions to help you narrow down your objectives:

  1. Is this a quiz to assess the student’s basic knowledge of the topic before they explore further?

  2. Is this a quiz that is part of a final evaluation?

  3. Do you want the quiz to assess whether students understand deep and advanced concepts in the topic?

  4. Is this a quiz to grade any student’s understanding in comparison with the class?

  5. What kind of questions do you want the AI to generate? Do you want AI to include examples or real-world scenarios?

  6. Do you want to find student’s understanding of a particular concept within the topic?

  7. What do you want the answers to indicate? Do you want the quiz to be an assessment of relational concepts?

Click Next. Enter the total points you want to award for this quiz. Default is 20. Choose the topic mastery your students need before they take the quiz.

Note: If you choose 0, students can see the quiz right away. If you choose 0.5 or above, students can take the quiz only after they get those stars in the topic.

Click Next. Enter the introduction text.

Enter the summary text.

You will be directed to the questions page. You can add your own questions or have AI generate the questions for you. Click on Generate Questions.

Select number of questions and Generate.

You will be able to close this window and continue other tasks while quiz is generating.

Once questions generate you will be able to

  1. See the points for each question

  2. Discard the question

  3. Edit the question

  4. View the highlighted correct answer

If any of the questions have wrong answers or if questions do not have options, you may

  1. Fix question or

  2. Generate choices

Once the quiz is generated as per your requirements, finalize the quiz.

Then confirm.

After you confirm the quiz, you will not be able to edit it anymore. All finalized quizzes will have the view quiz option. (Quiz in draft will have the edit quiz option)

When you are ready to send this to students, update the exploration.

You will see the notification and you will see when the exploration was Last Updated, which should show seconds ago.

Before teacher has updated the assignment:

After teacher has updated the assignment, student must Get Latest Updates first.

Instantly, the quiz will appear:

Students will be able to take the quiz only after they get the stars (topic mastery selected by the teacher during quiz generation).


Students can go to their explorations (All) to find their assignment. It will have the “assignment” tag in it.

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